Product Traceability

Through the implementation and use of Blockchain to keep track and trace of the entire food supply chain, we have got a secure and trustworthy data storage for all data involved that can be presented to the end consumer. ​

  1. The data cannot be manipulated
  2. The supply chain can keep traceability and control secure without all participants disclosing all their customers and suppliers to a central party. The level of privacy to enforce can be decided by the participants in the system/network
  3. The blockchain creates trust in low cost IT solutions. You can use email, Word, mobile phones, and still be sure data is accurate. This allows for example rural farmers and independent truck drivers to integrate with the system.
  • Tracking of food items in the supply chain — Blockchain technology enables the tracking of food packages, or any item to which you can put an unique identifier such as a barcode, QR code, or a RfID transmitter.
  • Tracking of food volumes in the supply chain — Identification of individual grains, beans or bulk commodities often bought on a spot market such as coffea, tea, oils, sugar, and cacao are almost impossible to track.
  • Conditions at the food production facility — Conditions at product sites, like factories, fields, or fishing boats, are today difficult to verify and include labor conditions, environmental conditions, quality control in production etc.